Monday, February 4, 2008

Snow in Jordan and Global Warming

How many of you are aware that there is a strong winter in the Middle East. Some of the countries go through very low temperatures.

My good friend, Swandip Sinha who is in Amman, Jordan at the moment has sent me this picture taken this week. Another friend in Tehran reported it was below zero at night.

The gulf sea currents make the countries in the north livable temperature-wise. However, with global warming more ice from the northern pole will melt and come down and in effect reducing the temperature of the Gulf Stream. This will in turn reduce the temperature of the Middle Eastern countries further down. So we can expect bitter winters in time to come, even in the Middle East.

1 comment:

pichcha said...

beautiful picture! The weather in other countries too have changed. Winter in North America during February has very summery days (60 degrees), which is unbelievable.